Saturday, April 28, 2007

Earn money from Google

With internet growing in size and user growing exponentially it has now reached a stage, where each one of us can earn from it with minimum effort. All we need is a blog (website) with internet connnected computer. With free creation of a blog from, now any one can earn from internet.
Internet is the biggest cash machine of all. We all can earn money by just blogging, onces experience or sharing once opinion on a topic. With google ready to share their profit with all of us we should convert our free time to blogging time. Once a blog is regularly updated it wont take much time to get you enough money to make a living out of it. And only effort that we will be putting will be blogging some lines daily. So how does it all works just 3 simple steps

2. Sign up for GOOGLE adsense

3. Regularly update blog

So why does google pays you ??

The Google advertisements are displayed on you are site. And to display this on your content pages google pays on basis of:

1. Cost-per-click (CPC)

2. Cost-per-1000-impressions (CPM)

3. For search results pages showing exclusively CPC ads directed from your page.
This means that advertisers pay either when users click on ads, or when the advertiser's ad is shown on your site. You'll receive a portion of the amount paid for either activity on your website.To find out how much you'll earn, sign up and start showing ads on your web pages. There's no cost, no obligation, and getting started is quick and easy. Sign up for GOOGLE adsense
Once you're a part of Google AdSense, you can view your earnings at any time by logging in to your account and clicking the Reports tab. You'll be able to see the total number of page and ad unit impressions, ad clicks, clickthrough rate, effective CPM, and your total earnings so you can get an idea of how well the program is performing for you and how much you can expect to earn over time in the program.The money will be send as cheque to the address provide by you at the end of each month.

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