Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Internet Pictures Corporation iPIX Image Well ActiveX controls contain buffer overflows

This info is from (US- CERT)

The Internet Pictures Corporation "iPIX Image Well ActiveX" controls contain buffer overflows, which can allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable system.

Internet Pictures Corporation has produced equipment and software to create 360 degree field-of-view images. The Internet Pictures Corporation iPIX Image Well ActiveX control, provided by iPIX-ImageWell-ipix.dll, contains several buffer overflow problems.

By convincing a user to view a specially crafted HTML document (e.g., a web page or an HTML email message or attachment), an attacker may be able to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the user. The attacker could also cause Internet Explorer (or the program using the WebBrowser control) to crash.

Currently unaware of a practical solution to this problem. Internet Pictures Corporation has apparently filed for bankruptcy and does not appear to still be in business.

The vulnerable ActiveX controls can be disabled in Internet Explorer by setting the kill bit for the following CLSIDs:
Alternatively, the following text can be saved as a .REG file and imported to set the kill bit for these controls:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{ef8d9f2a-f641-4ef0-b2ec-3ba2be7c2960}]
"Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000400

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{f7a05bac-9778-410a-9cde-bfbd4d5d2b7f}]
"Compatibility Flags"=dword:00000400
Disabling ActiveX controls in the Internet Zone (or any zone used by an attacker) appears to prevent exploitation of this and other ActiveX vulnerabilities.

Beware ...............

Blogger code of conduct

This has come about after the Kathy Sierra episode. Full draft below:

We celebrate the blogosphere because it embraces frank and open conversation. But frankness does not have to mean lack of civility. We present this Blogger Code of Conduct in hopes that it helps create a culture that encourages both personal expression and constructive conversation.

1. We take responsibility for our own words and for the comments we allow on our blog.We are committed to the “Civility Enforced” standard: we will not post unacceptable content, and we’ll delete comments that contain it.

We define unacceptable content as anything included or linked to that:

- is being used to abuse, harass, stalk, or threaten others

- is libelous, knowingly false, ad-hominem, or misrepresents another person,

- infringes upon a copyright or trademark

- violates an obligation of confidentiality

- violates the privacy of others

We define and determine what is “unacceptable content” on a case-by-case basis, and our definitions are not limited to this list. If we delete a comment or link, we will say so and explain why. [We reserve the right to change these standards at any time with no notice.]

2. We won’t say anything online that we wouldn’t say in person.

3. We connect privately before we respond publicly.

When we encounter conflicts and misrepresentation in the blogosphere, we make every effort to talk privately and directly to the person(s) involved–or find an intermediary who can do so–before we publish any posts or comments about the issue.

4. When we believe someone is unfairly attacking another, we take action.

When someone who is publishing comments or blog postings that are offensive, we’ll tell them so (privately, if possible–see above) and ask them to publicly make amends.If those published comments could be construed as a threat, and the perpetrator doesn’t withdraw them and apologize, we will cooperate with law enforcement to protect the target of the threat.

5. We do not allow anonymous comments.

We require commenters to supply a valid email address before they can post, though we allow commenters to identify themselves with an alias, rather than their real name.

6. We ignore the trolls.

We prefer not to respond to nasty comments about us or our blog, as long as they don’t veer into abuse or libel. We believe that feeding the trolls only encourages them–”Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it.” Ignoring public attacks is often the best way to contain them.

Please do comment on the codes do u feel it this way.....................................

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